DisclosureClick the link below for a digital copy of the disclosure. If you need to print it off and sign it or have your parent/guardian email it to Mrs.Lyon that works too.
How class runsThis is a link with all the little things for you to know how class runs. It fills you in on more details than there are in the disclosure and gives you advice on how to be successful in Art A!
Sketch- booksYou will keep a sketch book in Art A. You must pay your art fees in order to get your sketch book. Check out the link below for sketch book info.
Online portfoliosYou will create an online portfolio that includes the work you create in Art A. This way you always have access to your work! Click the link before to learn how to get started and keep your portfolio up to date!
Welcome to Art A, the fist day of class
Project #1: Symbols & Graffiti
The symbols project is a project that allows you to show what you like and what you believe represents you in the form of symbols. There are examples to the right of past student work to give you an idea, but are not necessarily exactly what you have to do. The in class power points, on-line forms, rubric, and self-reflection are all on the left for you to have access to.
All the power points and in class work will be posted here.
Non-Objective Art in a Day - Inspired by Kandinsky
Finding Your Own Style
Pick three artists from the list of artists on the link below. Find something about each artist that you like and want to turn into your own style.
Students created masks out of plaster for one of their art projects in Art A.
Randomness 6 - cow spots, 3 - bulls eyes(targets),4 - areas with stripes, 3 - areas with checker board design, Only use black and white, You can add anything else you want! Try to balance you piece and apply shading with a pen(stippling and cross-hatching)
Term 1 - Review
One-Point Perspective Birds Eye View
To learn the proportions and ratios of the human figure students created a silhouette drawing with a background to tell the viewer a story of where the silhouette was.
Music with Kandinsky Styled Art
Studnets will be listening to music and creating art. Focusing on emotions, color, and how someone tries to communicate that through art making.
Self-PortraitsStudents learned about the ratios and proportions of the human face to create realistic or abstract self-portriats.
Power Points from class for Self-portrait project
Final Project - Choice
Utah Common Core
Above is a link for the Utah Common Core Standards for Foundations I, which we refer to as Art A.